Saturday, December 17, 2011

So I have had a packed last couple of days......
Yesterday I started off by going out to Los Brasiles. Mr. B called me and asked if I could host a group at the school. They wanted to hang out with children. So I said of course! It was also nice that it was the last day for the Pre-schoolers! I was going to by a pinata for the kids, but this group really came through. They brought 2 pinatas, tons of candy, a ton of coloring books, and 2 cakes.

So they gave the kids coloring books and crayons and they colored and had recess for a while! Then we destroyed the pinata. Well, actually the pre-schoolers were not strong enough. They hit it though. Some were more scared at the pinata. It was sooo cute. But finally we asked Anthony.... the nephew of Lisseth to hit it, he is in the afternoon classes but was there. He destroyed the sucker!

The kids dove on the ground to grab candy. A couple like Dyana are too shy and didn't get any. So I dove on the ground and got a handful and gave to them!

Then we had cake......

After the cake I gave my first tour of Los Brasiles. I think I did pretty good. I showed them the new barrio (community) and they handed out candy to all the children, some coloring books, and one of the ladies even bought like 40 ice cream bars and handed out to some kids. It was a blast. When we were walking back, one of the ladies mentioned "we were going to give out rice and beans to another community, but this one looks like they could use the help even more!"

They asked if they could hand out bags of food, I said of course! They left to go get food and I went back to the school.

What happened next was pretty cool for me. I paid the final deposit and signed papers with a lawyer to buy the land next to the school. Imagine ministries and Xalted Ministries are partnering up. More on this later, but I think Xalted Ministries is being assimilated by Imagine Ministries! I still need to raise all of my own money, it's just going to be easier to have an organization with my own accountant to take care of all of my money! So anyway.... We are now partners and I have new land in Los Brasiles thanks to a special Sponsor that will be named later and some faithful donors!

So the group came back to Los Brasiles..... They brought 75 gallon bags full of Rice and Beans!!!!!

It was amazing watching them hand out food to the community. The people were soooo grateful! I loved seeing their faces light up!

I am so in love with this community and the people there! I have been to a handful of communities around Managua.I have NEVER seen people as nice as the ones in Los Brasiles. They are truly amazing. I see myself there for a long time!

So after all of that.... I had to pick up the girls and take them to the Buzbees for the Christmas party. We had a party with the two houses. It was a blast. It started off with swimming. Brinson and I jumped in the pool with jeans and all of our clothes on. It was fun. They opened presents, we had an amazing Lasagna dinner, and the I took them home. I am REALLY going to miss those kids while I am home for Christmas break.

Then today....

Today was the 15th birthday party for Lisseth's daughter. She is an amazing young girl. Super nice and very caring. Lisseth worked really hard to make the day perfect. And it was. First, I had no idea how big a 15th birthday is down here for girls. I guess it's the day a girl becomes a women in nicaragua. It looked like a pink wedding! There were a lot of matching little flower girls, matching brides maids, and the families were dressed to impressed. They had a 5 layer cake!

It was amazing. I loved it. I helped a lot since luis and Coburn couldn't make it. So I even felt like a proud papa.

It was a great day. I had a blast. I love working here! Thank you Lord for using me. Now I get to go back home and convince people to let you use them too!

Praise Jesus!

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