I'm talking about the children here. I just took my 8 kids to Pizza Hut for a treat since Judy and Angelica were celebrating their Anniversary.
It is amazing how you can see the difference in their upbringing when you go places. They aren't used to nice things like going to restaurants. So I have 8 year olds trying to stand on tables.
My role here in the house is definitely the affection giver. The two house parents are not the affectionate type. I am always hugging, holding, tickling, and telling these kids how much I love them. But that is a problem sometimes. Because when I get them alone without the house parents, they feel like they can do whatever they want because the "Disciplinarians" are not there. Don't get me wrong. I feel that the parents love the kids. It's just that a) they aren't their real children, and b) the culture down here is a little different.
So..... I am the good guy that they come to for love. So it's very hard to admonish them. So when one turned off the tv tonight in Pizza Hut by standing on the booth, When one of the boys opened the door to the girls bathroom while someone was in there, and when one was shooting spitballs across the table, they didnt understand why the loving teddy bear Tom was angry. I know some of you are probably laughing at that and thinking..... that sounds like the perfect kids for me! They are perfect in their own ways. As I am typing this we are watching Star Wars III. And Kenner just ran past me out the front door. I yelled at him and said "where do you think you are going". He said he was going outside to pee. LOL!!!! This is what I am dealing with. I said... um, no.... go use the bathroom! That's what they are used to in their homes though. So I can't blame them completely. It's a different culture.
As I am writing this I have a lot of things on my mind. I am really excited about Saturday. Josh Garland is coming down here to visit. I have such a week planned for him! Since it's only the two of us, that means we are doing to do some amazing things. I was thinking Volcano Surf, Relax in some hot springs, Camp out, and much more. We will do all of our Ministry work in the morning like visit the Dump, but we need to get in some fun too. The best buddies are back together, and we are gonna have a blast!
I am also thinking about coming home to Murray in a couple of weeks. I am PUMPED. I will be "Tom Arnett" for the week. Being adopted by the Arnetts for the week is such a blessing. It will be great to be home, especially out in the country and enjoy some nature.
I am sure my week will fill up FAST!!! I have a handful of important lunch meetings with some people already. Not to sound arrogant, but if you want to hang out, please let me know asap so I can make sure I don't forget someone!
I will be at church for 2 weeks. It will be different being there for the first time as a "member". I'll enjoy sitting in both services and worshipping instead of "worryshipping". Cause as a church staff member, Sundays have a lot of responsibilities and stress along with the wonderful worship. It will be nice to not have to worry about different things. I am looking forward to seeing a lot of people. And I am looking forward to seeing what's different. I am sure the Holy Spirit is working. I know they found 3 people to cover my previous responsibilities. I am sure they will do a fine job as long as they are focused on the Lord and His will for the church. That is the hardest part of ministry. It has been for over 10 years I've been serving. I still struggle even here in Nica to decipher what is His will versus mine. And I know from experience.... no one wants mine! (Well, maybe except me sometimes! :)
So it will be a fun 10 days in Murray. I am sure I will hunt, play Basketball. Hold my Goddaughter, go to a Skillet concert, watch some football, eat fattening food, and laugh a TON!
Well..... I think this about wraps it up for me. I have one thought for you. How is your faith??? Is your faith in Jesus unquestionable? When you lay down on your bed do you wonder if it will hold you. Or when you sit in that pew on Sunday morning, do you question if it will break? Of course you don't. You have faith in those things that they will hold you and never let you down. In the same way, your faith in Jesus should be the same. Jesus should be that secure spot in your life that you never question. Just like that chair.....
May The Lord Bless You And Keep You!
In Him,
Tom Seipel