Friday, July 29, 2011

Busy last few days!

So the last few days have been busy but awesome!

I have been running around with Coburn's group of 9 college guys he has down here. I have been having a blast. Tues and Weds we spend the night at Ruby Ranch. It is a rustic ranch. I mean bathrooms are out back in a hole, no running water. I spent the night outside under the stars sleeping on a table with lots of bug spray on. It was beautiful We had some great conversations. I met some really cool guys. They Thursday we moved to the beach and slept on the beach. It was awesome. We played a game of Ultimate Frisbee which I am super sore from! I had a great evening. What a blessing to be out under the stars where no one is miles around. Such Joy.

I am now back in Managua. And I HAVE INTERNET!!!! So you will be hearing from me much more. I am getting my sponsor letters from the kids mailed Monday. Everything is starting to move!

It's now time for me to start thinking about Spanish School. I am looking at a couple different places. I am excited about this chance to learn more spanish. I need to be fluent ASAP.

I heard VBS at Murray went well this week. I also heard a couple of my girls got a part time job at church doing worship and wonder and children's sermons. YAY. Go Elizabeth and Ash!

I am about to book my flight home in October. You will get to see me soon if you live in Murray. I will be in Murray for about 8-9 days. Love you all. Time for bed now! God Bless you all!

Guess who has internet now!!!! WOOHOOO

I do :)

Will write more tonight! Bye Bye!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Xalted Ministries helping people already!!!

I found where Xalted Ministries is going to make an impact.

So I went to Rosa yesterday with some of the guys in Coburns group. We had the intent on building a house. We made a little floor plan and talked to her about it. She loved it but told us she didn’t want to do it. Luis translated why. I guess she it living on a little patch of land that a farmer is letting her borrow. I mean the land is the size of a two car garage. So imagine her house is much smaller. What is left of it. Well they worked through the night to fix it.

Since she is temporarily living where she is, she says if we build a nicer house for her the guy is going to kick her off the land and take it. She then told us that she has had to borrow land and normally move her family every 3 months. Can you believe relocating, and BUILDING a small house every 3 months!!!!

Also her children were supposed to go to school yesterday for the first day. She has one going in the morning and 2 girls in the afternoon. I noticed the boy wasnt there in the morning and wondered why. She says they only have 1 shirt EACH and they are dirty and they are too embarrassed to go to school. So I went and bought her clothes. Little kids shirt and pants sets are expensive even down here! I already gave out all of our clothes my group bought down. I could use more!

A couple of the kids also didn’t have shoes. So I bought a few pair of sandals for them.

So.... This is where Xalted Ministries is going to change a life. Or 7 lives.

I told her I am going to buy some land and I’m going to build a small house and her family can live in it. We are talking about $1,000 for the land, and maybe $2,000 for the house. So for 3,000 I am going to set up a family for life. I could use any donations since this is a big undertaking. But God will provide!!!

Anyway, i gotta run. Love you all.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I could use your help and prayers!!!!

So I went out to Las Brasiles after going to the grocery store. I bought about $30 worth of food and hygiene stuff. That will last a long time. When I got out to Las Brasiles I went to Rosa’s house. I was shocked. Her house was in shambles. A group came in and tore her well built very little house (10‘x10’) and made it bigger with plastic tarp. Well they didn’t take into consideration the wind. The wind took the tarp and most of the house with it. All that remained were 2 sheet metal walls that were still connected by a post made from a big tree branch. I also found out she has 6 kids and not 5. There is one father left. The father to her most recent baby. But he is a farm hand and is gone all week and only comes to the house on the weekend to see his baby. He doesn’t live with them. So she is raising 6 kids by herself.

I gave her the stuff I bought and she was grateful. She enjoyed the Bible I gave her. They thanked me over and over. I told them I would be back soon.

On the way home I started crying thinking about them. I can’t believe I left them the way they were. I can’t sleep at night knowing they have half a house and 6 kids that will get soaked when it rains in the night (it’s the rainy season after all). Can you imagine laying in your bed and trying to sleep while it is raining on YOU? That’s not too uncommon here.

So I am going to finish this house. I have already decided God has put this family on my heart for a reason. So I am going back today to measure the walls and buy sheet metal to complete the house. I have a feeling this is going to be a costly gesture. But this is what Xalted Ministries was for. I have a feeling it will cost atleast $1,000. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend $1,000. If anyone is reading this and would like to contribute to this effort, you can make checks out to Xalted Ministries and send them to John Fuqua at 111 N 5th st. Murray KY 42071.

I know a lot of people have supported me. I thank you for that. The idea that Xalted Ministries is going to build a house just thrills me. I pray the Xalted Ministries can keep growing financially to do projects like these for more families.

I am Xcited. See what I did there :) I am listening fully to God right now. I was praying today for a special friend. I wanted to give Jean Carol Ridley a shout out! Love ya girl and hope your knee is feeling better. Miss ya. Keep on trucking though. God is Good!

Well it’s Monday. I am joining the Buzbees in fasting on Mondays. It’s the beginning of the week and it’s a great time to start clean and focus on prayer for the rest of the week. So only water for me today.

Anyway.... Love you all and I’m praying for you. I could use some prayers and more importantly, Rosa could use some prayers. Take care and God Bless!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


So I have been thinking about a lot of things. I am really excited about where I am at right now. I am really looking forward to the future and what God has planned for me and for the people down here in Nicaragua. I have such a heart for the needy. I am thrilled that God has laid them on my heart. I was not like this a couple years ago. After being here, I look at so many things differently. I can't wait to get back to Murray and tell my friends about all of the amazing people I have ran into.

I read some amazing things in Luke the yesterday that really humbled me. The whole parable of the great banquet and also some other things. I have never felt like I have put others before myself. I have always been a selfish person. I enjoyed when people noticed me, I loved attention, and I really didn't favor the underdog. But God has blessed me with new vision. I see the world in a new light. I would rather spend an hour with someone covered in dirt and just wanting someone to love on them then I would with someone who is blessed beyond imagination.

I met a really cool lady in Las Brasiles. That is where Coburn has his ministry. I believe I am going to become more involved out there. I see a huge need. This Lady has 5 children. from the ages of 10-new born. There is no father around so she is raising all 5 by herself. She just moved out there and Coburn had a group build a house for her. She has never heard about Jesus. Coburn has been telling them stories about Jesus and they are loving it! When I saw them they ran up to Coburn and the first thing they said is they wanted to hear more stories about Jesus. They were so sweet. Kids that are wanting to know more and more about Jesus. Back in the states we sometimes have to pull teeth to get a child to sit still and listen to a story about Jesus.

I really want to bless this family. I think I am going to go out and give the mom a bible. I also am going to keep my eye open to something I can do for her. She asked me if we had people in America that were poor like she was. It was the first time I heard a Nicaraguan describe themselves as poor. It was very sad. She acknowledged she couldn't take care of her own kids and that it was very hard. I really felt bad for this family. It is different than the US. People in the US might be classified as being in poverty, but they have government support and whatnot. Not to mention that they have houses and electricity, tv's, foodstamps to get food, and much more help.

And even the "homeless" are mostly homeless because they made bad decisions. The people here are born into this lifestyle. They really don't have a way to get out of it either. So these people are like you and me but just are lucky and as blessed as we are. But they are blessed. They have been given a lot. They have been given people like Coburn to help them, and now I am going to do my best to help them.

I am actually going to leave now and instead of talking about helping, I'm going to go see her and help them with my love and support.

Love you all..... Put your faith into action! Serve the Lord. Jesus reached out to the poor and needy. Not to the rich and well off. Be a follower of Jesus and do the same!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Good News!!!

So I should be getting Internet in the next few days!!!!!

Chachi has done all his paperwork, so now it's waiting for them to come and install it. I am pumped.

Today we are going with a group to the beach. It's always fun. The more I go, the more i realize I HATE sand!!!!!

I have had an amazing week spiritually. That's all that can be said. By the way..... EVERYONE needs to read "The Hole in our Gospel" by Richard Stearns. GREAT BOOK!!!!

Well, just dropped the girls off at school. Time to do some laundry before I pick them up for the beach. God is Good!

Love you all and talk to you soon.

Ps..... I'm going to do a video blog this weekend so you can see my pretty face. I'll link the youtube link in this blog!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Backflips and Revolutions!

So yesterday was the Revolution Holiday here in Nica. It was to celebrate 32 years of the FSLN rule. I was amazed. Ortega shuts down ALL the tv channels to show his celebration. I guess their theme song is also "Stand By Me" but with different lyrics. I was told yesterday was a good day to stay inside the house since some people get a little crazy and drunk and then who knows what happens. I said it can't be worse than the night after an Ohio St. vs. Michigan game on campus! :)

Last night was fun. I watched Star Wars I with Angel and Judy. Angel laughed the whole movie. It was cool to show them a classic.

Today we went to Xiloa pronounced Hee-Lo-Ahh. There is a beautiful Lagoon there. We climbed to a spot and jumped off rocked into the water. It was about 25-30 in the air. I was even the only one with enough guts to do a backflip. There were quite impressed. The big boy still has it.
Speaking of.....

All of my shorts and pants are getting too big. I hope I can make it to October to buy new clothes. Because you can't find my size down here. And no, I don't look skinny. I don't know where the weight is leaving my body. I feel like I look the same and I still have my Infamous belly! :P

Well time to run. Have a great day all!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away.....

So it's pouring down rain like always. I guess that's why they call this the rainy season. It's poured the last 4 days strait. You get about an hour of sun sometime during the day, then it rains the rest of it. And I don't mean sprinkle... it pours!

We had a fun last couple of days. A group was here that put on a VBS for the kids one of the days this week. Yesterday we spent the day out at Ruby Ranch. It was a blast. I love hanging out with the little kids. I know they feel the love of Christ through me. Nothing is more awesome than riding home from a long day while a little one is snoring on your lap on the bus.

I have been having a hard time reading my books. I am sooo A.D.D like always. I read one chapter of one book, then read one chapter of another and then another. I am reading like 4 books right now. 1) A hole in the Gospel, 2) DC talks book 3) started Sacred Romance again, 4) and I am a couple chapters in to Love Wins. It's very interesting. I wish I could sit down and actually finish one. My mind keeps wandering and I find myself wanting to just sit in silence and think instead of read. I have been thinking a lot. Especially about the past. Whether it's memories or thought of how God's plan has worked out through all the dumb things I've done. It's amazing how he can work His will even when you try to take control.

I am going to run now. I know VBS is coming up at FCC. Good luck all and i'll be praying for you! Love you all.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good ol Pizza Hut

I would be lost without you. Mainly because you bring me email, skype, and facebook through you internet. The people here are really nice too. There's a waitress named "Martha" that keeps standing next to my table. I have never had her wait on me, but I think she knows a little English and she is wanting to talk to me, but too shy to say something. There are a lot of people here in Nica that know a little or a lot of English. They see me as a "practice" oppurtunity. I enjoy talking to them in English. I wish I could talk to them more in Spanish. That will come soon enough. I can't wait to go to my Spanish school. Might be the first time EVER I am looking forward to studying! I know it's because I will grow as a person and I will grow Xalted Ministries once I am fluent. Again, a blog talking about fluency. hehe

Church today was long.... All of the "Verbo" churches got together for a joint worship. It would be like all of the "First Christian" or "Lutheran" churches getting together. There are 10 others in Nicaragua. Some as far as 4 day trip up the Rio Coco river. It's crazy where they planted churches, but it's awesome! Our church here in Managua is the main one...
Well anyway, they commissioned some people and talked a lot. When you don't know spanish, a 2 hr and 45 min service gets a little tiring. It made me think of how my church was doing in Murray that morning. I miss being active in the church. Although the worship leader did mention to me about singing an English song some Sunday. He thinks the Nicaraguan people would enjoy it.

I went and saw Transformers 3 in 3D today by myself. I had some free time on my hands, and it was nice to hear English for a change. It is in English with Spanish subtitles. I am looking forward to this week. There is a group here that is having activities with the boys and girls home. It will be fun watching the kids have a blast.

It is getting a little warmer here. I know it's warm back home, but here we have like 100% humidity. And even then, you all at least have air conditioning. Last night was an uncomfortable night. I think I need to buy a fan to put right next to my bed. I have an over head fan, but It didn't keep me from sweating all night. I woke up this morning and I thought I wet the bed! :) Had to wash my sheets. It was the first night like that though. I've been sleeping like a baby most of the time.

Well I think I have overstayed my welcome at Pizza Hut. I think I should leave. You all have a great night. Love from Nica!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fluency is a MUST!

So I am praying for a few things right now. One is for God to open a door for my own ministry down here. I love working with the Buzbee's, but I have come to realize that there is so much need down here. I keep praying for God to show me where I can get involved and make it supported by Xalted Ministries. The first big problem is I am not fluent yet. Fluency is a key. I can communicate a little bit, but I still can't sit down and listen to people share stories about themselves and who they are and what they need. This is a big concern of mine. I feel like I am really just a body and a pair of hands right now. Not so much someone that can help on his own.

I have been looking at a couple of Spanish schools in Granada. I was planning on going in September for a month and a half of Spanish school. The more I pray and think about things, the more I want to do that sooner. I know it's a busy time of year for the Buzbee's, but I think I will be a lot more help to them when I can speak!

My first batch of newsletters are going out. I am proud of my newsletter. If you have been a donor, you should be getting one. If you don't, let me know!!! The boys and girls homes are on vacation right now. They are gone all weekend and have no school next week. That should give them some time to finish their letters to the sponsors. So if you have sponsored a child, you will be getting a letter soon. I still don't have internet, so it's taking a little longer than I'd like. Sorry to all about that.

I am kinda down right now. Not really sure why. It might be having some more down time on my hands. I am also missing some friends. I'd love to go hang out with one of them right now. I haven't made any friends yet outside of the Buzbee gang. And they are all so busy, they dont count. I know God will provide. He always has and always does.

Anyway... love you all. Miss you and will talk to you soon. God bless!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th from Nica!!!

Happy 4th to all of my American friends!!! I’ve been absent from my blog for a bit. Still no internet. Chachi says he is working on it. I know he is busy, but I have a lot of stuff I need internet for. I need to get my newsletter out and also letters to the sponsors of Casa Robles.

So It’s been a fun last couple of days. Thursday I hung out with Veronica and the scholarship kids. They are pretty awesome. I just wish I knew spanish a little better, because they are a handful for Veronica. I’d like to help more.

Friday I drove all over Managua and up to Masaya buying Fireworks for a party in Los Cedros. A group was having a party for the 4th and wanted to shoot off fireworks. Saturday I took the boys up to Los Cedros to see them. They had a blast. We ate, played soccer, danced, destroyed a pinata, and shot off fireworks. It was a great night. It made me miss back home a little though. Nothing better than going to Freedom Fest and hanging out with John and Uncle Mike and scarfing down some great food. Or back in UA at the William’s house eating some amazing ribs. I have had a pretty awesome life. As I watch these kids go crazy over a couple hundred dollars of fireworks, I remember being dissapointed in Murray for being a smaller firework show than I was used to in Columbus. What a perspective. These kids were thrilled to see ANYTHING that shot up in the air. I have had a spoiled life. I don’t really miss it either. I miss the people of course, but I am so humbled down here, I don’t want to go back to the lifestyle I used to live. Yes, sometimes it’s beneficial. Like I am trying to find a special type of sandal that they dont have down here. You can get anything in the US. I guess that’s what my trips back are for. Reloading for more work down here.

Today was a good day. Church was rocking. The pastor preached on tithing. So don’t worry guys, they even preach on you needing to give money in a third world country. It’s not just Murray or UALC!

With out going into details, some of the kids are having some hard times in life right now. That is to be expected from their situations. But it has really be laid on my heart the last 24 hours. Whether it’s problems at school or in their personal life, they don’t deserve it at these young ages. It’s just doors they need to knock down. I was reading in Luke 1 a couple days ago about Zechariah and Elizabeth. Zechariah was a priest who was looked upon favorably by God. Elizabeth was unable to have children. An angel came down from heaven and told him his wife would have a baby, John the Baptist. Zechariah said “I am an old man and my wife is barren. How can this happen?”. Because he doubted, the angel silenced Zechariah and he was unable to talk for 9 months until the baby was born.

Why am I telling you this story???? Well, it made me think a lot. The Lord even made one of His “favorable” men Zechariah, go through inconveniences. Not talking for 9 months is not fun I’m sure. I know I will be going through hard times and I know these kids will be too. But it’s nothing too painful that we all can’t get through with faith in Jesus.

So I ask that you pray for all the children down here in Nicaragua. But especially in the two houses. I spend a lot more time with them than others. In the boys home you have Marcos (age 13), Fredder (11), Heyler (10), Kenner (8), Dennis (6), Angel (5), Luisa (5), and Andrew (they think 5). The Girls you have Mileyding (17), Suheydei (15), Vannessa (15), Katherine (14), Mikeiling (13), Jaquiline (11), Marie Ellena (11), Andrea (10), Pamela (9), Sophia (9), Naydeling (8), Ashley (7), and Jocelyn (7).

Those are all the kids in the two houses. A couple of those ages are guesses. And I need to learn spelling on some of the names. But God knows who they are. So I ask that you pray for them and ask God to mold them into the masterpieces He wants them to be. They are all so precious. I am blessed to be a part of their lives and I am going to try and love them like Jesus would!

Well.... That’s it for now. It’s another week. Thanks to everyone for you support. Love you all and I’m praying for you all. Know that.......You are in my prayers. God Bless

Friday, July 1, 2011

no internet stinks!

so no internet still. typing on my phone. Sorry for the lack of blog! :/